河北開(kāi)山空壓機(jī)    節(jié)能螺桿空壓機(jī)    開(kāi)山BMVF15永磁變頻螺桿空壓機(jī)


  Zhejiang Kaishan Compressor Co; Ltd. Is Asia is largest and world is third largest air compressor manufacturer. It is also listed on ChiNext , with a market capitalization of RMB 17 billion as of September 2014, putting it 22nd among 225 listed companies in Zhhejian province. It ranks number one in ChiNext in terms of market capitalization .The Company has over RMB 6 billion in assets and owns  land with an area of 1,200 mu. It also operates 4 manufacturing bases in Quzhou(Zhejiang), Lingang(Shanghai), Shuangqiao(Chongqing) and Shunde (Guangdong).
  Kaishan Compressor possesses powerful research capability. The  Company has establishrd in keeping with its innovation model of “Developed in North America ,and made in China ”,a research center in North America where a group of world is top compressor experts  has developed large number of high-technology products. At present the Company is staffed with three experts from the “Thousand-person Program ”, with over 150 engineers carryinng out research and development work at Kaishan General Machinery Research Institute.
  Kaishan possesses global leadership in the technological capability for screw air compressors .In 2013 the Chinese government published the “Catalogue of Energy-saving Products under Public Beneficiary Program ” for air compressors ,out of which 30.6% of energy-saying products were supplied by Kaishan Compressor . Furthermore  each model in Kaishan Compressor is high-end series is Grade 1 energy-saving product, in particular its large-power screw air compressors with a power of above 160kw-very few  products from among companies in the world are capable of achieving energy-efficiency of Grade 2and above ,but Kaishan Compressor is can save 12-25% of energy compared with those global companies .
  Kaishan Compressor is also a manufacturer with the most comprehensive air compressor product range in China.In addition to screw compressors the Company also offers centrifugal ,reciprocating, scroll ,and single-screw products.Moreover,Kaishan Compressor manufacturers industrial gas compressor, refrigerant(cold) compressor and expander generators etc. On large-scale basis,thus showcasing its teachnological capability.
Once an mains frequency screw air compressor deviates from its nominal working conditions,its effciency will decline no matter how energy-efficient it is at nomial conditions , making it less effcient in energy . In contrast BOREAS Compressor is PM variable frequency technoiogy is able to abjust the motor is rotating speed according to demand changes in the air volume , thereby regulating the volume of discharged air and allow the air compressor to maintain high efficiency under any conditions for air usage . Compared with ordinary mains frequency screw air compressor ,the PM variable frequency screw air compressor possesses obvious energy-saying advantages whenever there are changes in the air volume required for system .In addition ,the higher the fluctuation the results will be more obvious ,and overall energy-saving can be us much as 50%.
普通螺桿空壓機(jī)可以通過(guò)外掛變頻器的方式調(diào)節(jié)電機(jī),從而調(diào)節(jié)排氣量,使得產(chǎn)氣量與用氣量相適應(yīng),達(dá)到節(jié)能的效果。但是普通螺桿空壓機(jī)所采用的電機(jī)都有額定轉(zhuǎn)速、額定功率和額定效率,外掛變頻器強(qiáng)行迫使空壓機(jī)電機(jī)偏離額定轉(zhuǎn)速。而普通電機(jī)一旦偏離了額定轉(zhuǎn)速 ,效率將大幅度下降,偏離越多效率降幅越大。使用永磁變頻電機(jī)的永磁變頻螺桿空壓機(jī)在任何轉(zhuǎn)速下,都能保持極高的電速效率,因而節(jié)能效果遠(yuǎn)優(yōu)于外掛變頻器的普通螺桿空壓機(jī)。
Ordinary screw compressors can regulate the motor is rotation speed through external inverters to regulate the air discharge volume in order that air volume produced matches that of used and hence achieves energy efficiency .However ordinary screw air compressors are built with motors with mains rated rotating speed, rated power and rated efficiency ,whereas external inverters would force the air compressor is motor to deviate from its mains rated rotating . Once the ordinary motor deviates from its mains rated rotating speed ,its efficiency will be reduced significantly ,and the greater the deviation the more significantly  the efficiency will be declined.Withing all its rotating speed range ,the PM variable frequency screw air compressor is able to maintain extremely high motor efficiency , thus giving it superior energy-saving effect over ordinary screw air compressor with external inverter.
In addition, the regulation range of external inverters for ordinary screw compressors is from 40% to 100%.In other words ,when the working condition deviates in excess of 60%,the external inverter will not be able to regulate the motor is rotating speed. In contrast, BOREAS Compressor is PM variable frequency air compressor has a operating speed range of 15-100% ,which means that even in the case of 85% deviation from working conditions,BOREAS Compressor is PM varible frequency air compressor can still function effciently.  
A high-efficiency PM variable frequency screw air compressor has advantages in the following three areas:
The first is to have a highly efficient screw compression unit ; Secondly to have a high-efficient PM synchronous motor; Thirdly to have first-class PM variable control technology. BOREAS PM variable frequency air compressor possesses significant technical advances in the following three areas.
Compared to the ordinary PM variable frequency screw air compressors, BOREAS PM variable frequency screw air compressors have obvious technological advantages in the three aspects including screw compression unit efficiency , motor efficiency ,and control technology.





地 址:河北省石家莊建華北大街勁馳商務(wù)
手 機(jī):15614163383